All You Need to Know In One Place
By definition, environmental consulting is a form of compliance consulting in which the consultant ensures that the client maintains an appropriate measure of compliance with environmental regulations. Dine Comply, Inc., provides the industry with assistance regarding air permitting, water permitting, hazardous waste management and disposal, and oil planning. Correspondence with regulators and responding to regulatory demand is our specialty. With an increase in environmental enforcement, Dine Comply provides the background, insight, and path forward to effectively negotiate and respond to violation notices and civil penalty assessments.
Air permit applications (Minor Sources, Synthetic Minors, Major Sources)
Air permit terms and conditions negotiations
Air permit compliance programs
Air permit compliance reviews
Regulatory reporting
Malfunction reporting
Air quality complaint responses/resolutions
Visible emissions testing
Stack testing assistance
Inspection preparations and participation
Violation responses and enforcement negotiations
Reviewing, commenting on new or modified federal and state air regulations
Dispersion Modeling (Screen and Refined/NAAQS and Toxics)
Emission inventories
Toxic Release Inventory Reporting
State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) reporting
New source review (NSR) permits
Prevention of significant deterioration (PSD)
New source performance standards (NSPS)
Maximum achievable control technology standards (MACT)
Best available control technology (BACT)
Lowest achievable emission rate (LAER)
Risk management plans (RMP)
Operation and maintenance (O&M) plans
Start-up, shutdown, and malfunction plans (SSMPs)
Landfill gas analysis
Industrial hygiene monitoring
Emission reduction credits banking program
Monitoring programs
Odor assessments and complaint responses
Zoning Hearing Presentations
Open burning compliance
Industrial wastewater NPDES permitting (individual and general permitting)
Industrial pretreatment permitting
Industrial storm water permitting
Construction storm water permitting
Construction permit to install permitting
Discharge monitoring reporting
Concentrated animal feeding operations
Storm water pollution prevention plans (SWP3)
Best management practices and strategies
No exposure certifications
Water sampling strategy and assistance
Holding tank management plans/approvals
Bypass/upset notifications and reporting
Violation responses and enforcement negotiations
Nonpoint source assessments and runoff pollution mitigation
Isolated wetland permitting
Wetland delineation assistance
Solid waste management
Hazardous waste management
Universal waste management
Oil management and spill reporting
Oil Planning: Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) planning
Oil Planning: Facility Response Planning (FRP)
Hazardous waste reporting
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) compliance consulting
Waste characterizations and documentation
Site ID requests
Compliance evaluations and recommendations
Beneficial use permitting
Composting assistance
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
Clean Construction and Demolition Debris (CCDD)
Real estate transactions/property development (Phase I/II Site Assessments)
Zoning Presentations
Environmental Training and Organization
Assistance with environmental attorney communications