Consulting at Your Disposal
The core of compliance often leads to the process of recognizing operational requirements, legal obligations and the recognition of various basic indicators. Dine Comply provides a distinct advantage to our clients in the following permitting situations:
Installation Permits (including New Source Review Applicability)
Title V Operating Permits
Synthetic Minor Operating Permits
PSD Permits
Surface Mine Permits
NPDES Permits
Industrial Wastewater Permits
Storm-water Permits
Construction & Industrial
Air permitting projects include the following:
Application Forms
Emissions Estimations
Emissions Activity Category Forms
Process Flow Diagrams
Location, Description and Mapping to facilitate comprehensive understanding of facility emissions
(PSD Projects Only): Narrative and Calculations to Determine PSD Source Applicability, with take into account emissions calculations/netting analysis/requests for federally-enforceable limits/description of the methodology and results from a BACT Analysis.
(PSD Projects Only): Refined Dispersion Modeling and Analysis to determine compliance with NAAQS and Ohio’s Air Toxics Policy
(PSD Projects Only): Impact Analysis assessing the effect of air pollution on soils/vegetation/visibility caused by the source
Dine Comply’s permitting actions offer the operational flexibility and the regulatory compliance required by our clients to remain successful while maintaining a positive profile within their communities.



Do you need help making important decisions? Contact me today and let me put you back on track.